Stress is the feeling human have when they are burdened with lots of works and are struggling to cope with demands from their normal day to day activities.
Below are some five facts about stress:
Women are more prone to stress
According to research, women are likely to experience the physical manifestation of stress more than men. Men may likely not show the signs of stress. Women are also much more likely than men to report physical and emotional symptoms of stress. When comparing women with each other, there also appears to be differences in the ways that married and single women experience stress.
Physical manifestations of stress
Often, your fingers may shake, and your body might feel off-balance. Sometimes dizziness can occur. These effects are linked to hormonal releases which are as a result of stress. At times, you can be sweaty, stress related sweat is usually a follow-up to excessive body heat from stress. You might sweat from your forehead, armpits, and groin area. It is also possible to get hot in situations where you’re nervous too, such as when you have to give a presentation.
Mental manifestations
When you are constantly stressed or you have issues with stress too often, it can lead to mental health disabilities such as anxiety and depression. Also, long term stress can cause insomnia. It is also possible to have what is often called tension headaches. The headaches may crop up every time you encounter stress, or they may be ongoing in cases of long-term stress.
Shortness of breath
With constant stress or what is called social stress, it is possible to experience shortness of breath. The actual breath issues are related to tightness in your breathing muscles. As the muscles get more tired, your shortness of breath may worsen. In extreme cases, this may lead to a panic attack.
Skin reactions
Just like other parts of the body, the skin also reacts to stress, so you might constantly have irritations such as acne, eczema, itchy rashes and so on. So at times, because of stress, it is possible to have skin break-outs which might not go unless you have moments of rest.
So, if for nothing else, for the sake of you health, it is important you find time to rest.
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